VIDEO A1 Pest Control Canberra – Termite Talk


Its strange what you come across in the pest control business – just when you have thought you have seen it all up pops something that you may have read about but not ever seen for yourself.

Did you know that termite King and Queen only fly once and that is to find where they will make their new colony. Once there the wings fall off the Queen’s whole purpose is to produce thousands upon thousands of termites daily.

How interesting is that!

Listen to the story here

The soldier termites go out and find the soft sap wood that they know that the Queen loves to eat and the termites build their mud tracks straight to the soft wood.

Only last week Bob and his team were called out to a property when they had cut the tree down in their backyard and did not grind the stump down. The family decorated the bare stump with gnomes and pot plants not knowing that there was a colony of termites busily eating away at the soft

The pest control team started their investigation and opened the stump to reveal not just one Queen but another 8 Queens – you see there is only one fertile Queen the others are her replacement should something happen to her, the soldiers are infertile and their job in life is to feed the Queen and to protect the colony.

Bob followed the mud tracks into the house silently eating away the door frames of the newly renovated bathroom.

Anyway, I hope you got to have a good look at the video and then get back to us if we can help you with a termite inspection either visual or with our T3i thermal imaging to ensure that we can identify if you have termites and if you have devise a plan on how to best treat the problem.






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